Standard Iron breathes new life into Badcock building
The McDuffie Progress
Linda Green

Randy Porter, production supervisor at Standard Iron and Lee Briggs, factory manager, talk over construction plans with Jade Morey, during a visit to the former Badcock building.
The sounds of construction will emit from the former Badcock building in a few days as a metal fabrication company breathes new life into the dormant facility and prepares it for new use.
Standard Iron will get the building it has sought for nearly two years. A Minneapolis-based company, Standard Iron sought to move into the former W.S. Badcock facility in late 2016 or early 2017 but the company and the Badcock Corporation could not come to an agreement on the purchase of 690 Augusta Road and 683 Boulevard Dr. The company leased a temporary 30,000 square-foot building at 405 Railroad St. from the City of Thomson and put 25 welders to work until it could purchase the Badcock building or a similar facility..
Standard Iron, the McDuffie Development Authority and Forward McDuffie worked with Badcock to make the sale go through and bring a new industry to the McDuffie community and create job opportunities for the citizens.
The sale went through Oct. 3 and Standard Iron closed on the facility and land Oct. 4.
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